SUNLIGHT Electrical goes digital - REMOTE FAT

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has unprecedented effects and felt around the world. SUNLIGHT Electrical, a CHINT company, is able to supply electrical switchboard jointly designed and assembled in Singapore and Vietnam during this period.  During this difficult period the market is heavily affecting labor, economies and enterprises, including global supply chains, leading to wide spread business disruptions. SUNLIGHT Electrical is no exception. By applying innovative and digital technology the factory acceptance test or FAT was able to be conducted remotely.

A fast track project of transit Port in Singapore, was able to have remote FAT before shipping to Singapore. The usual two days of FAT have been well completed for acceptance by clients, without the need to travel during the pandemic period; yet being thorough and forthright.

Remote FAT will benefit our customers in many ways:
1.Safety - no risks of contracting the corona virus due to travelling

2.Timeline - not affected as watching and instructing the test can be carried to suit their whereabout
3.Reliability – quality standard is not compromised as all required test are carried out and recorded 

The shipment left Vietnam for Singapore on time and very important all required tests were carried out and recorded. Geographical distance was shorten and quality not compromised.

Indeed, remote FAT will become the norm; as everyone is expecting that working pattern will not be as usual after the COVID-19 pandemic. The name of SUNLIGHT is bespoken, always to enhance the value for the customers and partners.

FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing) is  intended to fulfil the requirement stated in the tender specification; at the same time detect faults in materials and workmanship and check on any sensors, devices that are specified in the contract, in addition to the standard specification. After FAT, it is sign-off for delivery of the switchboard(s) to site.

Test conducted includes:
1. Visual inspection
2. Isulation resistance test
3. High voltage test
4. Primary current injection test
5. Current transformer polarity test
6. Secondary current injection test
7. Functional test

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