From Humble Beginnings to the World’s Stage

--- President of CHINT Group 


BEIJING, Nov. 1 -- Xi Jinping, President of China, held a forum over a symposium on private enterprises at the Great Hall of the People. On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist of China (CPC), the President Xi fully affirmed function of private economy and expressed that "private economy is an inherent element for China's economic system." “the country will unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector and support private enterprises to develop toward a broader stage. “ President Xi added. Nan Cunhui, chairman of CHINT Group,was invited to attend the meeting as a representative of private enterprises in China. 

Among the private enterprises in China, CHINT group is absolutely a model of stable operation and innovation development. As one of the representatives of private enterprises, Nan Cunhui comes from humble beginnings. After 35 years, as a shoemaker who dropped out of school at 13 years old, he is a typical example of “grassroots entrepreneur” with big success. CHINT, starting from the beginning of rural township enterprise, has developed into one of China's outstanding private enterprises with

annual sales of more than 60 billion RMB (roughly 8.7 billion USD) and top 100 enterprises in China. 

In 1984, Nan Cunhui set up a small switch factory named "Qiu Jing" with 50,000 RMB (roughly 7,200 USD) by mortgaging several old houses of his family, which was also the predecessor of CHINT Electrics. Talking about that, Mr. Nan always said: "We make believe into belief while others are suspicious and hesitant there. We are doing while people are watching. We seize opportunities. From low-voltage to high-voltage, from apparatus to complete transmission and distribution production chain, from traditional energy to new energy, we never stop.” 


In 2006, CHINT entered the new energy field and seized the opportunity of strategic emerging industries in a new round of technology and industrial revolution. At present,CHINT has built hundreds of grid connected photovoltaic power station around the world, and has implemented hundreds of EPC “turnkey” projects worldwide. In Hangzhou, the complete domestically produced automatic photovoltaic production equipment independently integrated by CHINT Intelligent Factory has fulfilled most of the intelligent elements required by Industry 4.0. 

The President of CHINT believes that:” Follow our government, observe the world and put your back into your own business. You will be able to do well if you focus on your own reality and make your best to promote innovation.” 

As a private entrepreneur, Nan Cunhui also has another identity, which is the vice chairman of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce of China. In the current complex external environment, Nan Cunhui also has his own opinions on the financial pressures that may arise in private enterprises: “We must firmly control the input and output and hold the safe bottom line of cash flow and debt ratio.” 

Regarding the next development of private enterprises in China, Nan Cunhui believes that state-owned enterprises are the ballast stone of economic development, and private companies are stabilizers for social employment. State owned enterprises are like the aorta and main vessels of the human body, which are responsible for major investment and construction. Private enterprises are like capillaries, which can bring the advantages of high sensitivity and quick response to the market. Private enterprises and state-owned enterprises should complement each other's advantages, and mixed ownership reform will bring more opportunities to both kinds of enterprises. 

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's Reform and Opening-up. It’s also the 40th -year development of China's private economy and growth of private entrepreneurs, as well as the 40th anniversary of Nan Cunhui’s entrepreneurship. On October 28, as the chairman of CHINT Group, he was rewarded as "Top 40 people in China's Private Economy" at the 40-year China Private Economy Summit hosted by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the China Business Times. Just a few days ago, Mr. Nan has been listed in "100 Outstanding Private Entrepreneurs in 40 years of Reform and Opening-up" jointly recommended and publicized by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. The 100 outstanding private entrepreneurs who have been selected are the individuals with iconic significance, social influence and prominent demonstration role in the development of the private economy nationwide, and also the representatives among the vast number of non-public economic personages. 

Nan Cunhui’s entrepreneurial experience has become the best witness of China's 40 years of Reform and Opening-up and a vivid portrayal of China's entrepreneurial spirit in the new era. In this magnificent 40 years, Nan Cunhui has been part of the whole process of Reform and Opening Up, participated in the innovative development of private economy and witnessed tremendous changes in China. 

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